I’ve learned many things this past year and one of them was that without discipline you won’t get very far. I used to make excuses and say that “I’m not motivated to pray, I’m not motivated to read, I’m not motivated to work out", but motivation is just an EMOTION and I will no longer allow my emotions to dictate my life. Just because I don’t feel like doing something, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done.
This year I want to challenge myself and you to complete TRANSFORMATION.
A new generation of warrior mommies to RISE UP...
Let’s begin with arming ourselves with the word of God as if your life depended on it, because it does. I challenge you to dedicate 20 minutes a day to truly seeking God. Either it’s early in the morning, during midnight nursing sessions, or late in the evening after everyone goes to sleep. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, but everything to gain. Trust me mama, your marriage, your children, and your life will change! Let’s stop dreaming of a breakthrough and truly start living it. You don’t have to live in survival mode. You can actually live life happy and enjoy every day! Live it depression-free full of JOY! No matter HOW I FEEL I choose to make time to praise and worship the One who created me. I overcame suicide and depression (you can read my testimony on my blog) because I chose to seek Him even when I didn’t feel like it. There is no “quick fix” spiritual drive thru! You want to get somewhere? You will need to put in the effort. You could live all your life knowing Jesus through someone else, but it is time to get to know Him personally! And trust me! Once you get to know Him you will fall in love with Him. He will be your everything! When you read the Bible, ask God to reveal His mysteries to you! Ask Him to give you knowledge and revelation of His Word. Sermons by other people are great, but God can reveal His truth to YOU directly!
Remember that YOU ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD! The more you tune out the world, the more you will hear from heaven. Be cautious of what you watch or listen to. You don’t have time to watch empty and completely wasteful television shows and youtube videos. You don’t have time to listen to empty music. So many people ask how can they hear from God and the answer is simple...The more you tune out the noise of the world and seek Christ, the more you will hear Him. God said “If you look for me WHOLEHEARTEDLY, you will find me!” Jeremiah 29:13. We can get so caught up with the latest trends, social media, latest shows that we completely forget what our primary focus should be in the first place. Our one and only mission on this earth is to make Jesus famous! "Life goals" is NOT owning a white blogger-style kitchen and creating a video in hopes of it getting viral. Life goals is making Jesus viral and living an abundant life with Him!
Also, as we are working on our spiritual health I want to challenge you to work on your physical health. It is so vital to be in your absolute best health and that will take discipline and lots of it. Let’s start simple. Take some time in your day or night and do a simple routine of some sit ups, push-ups, etc. Go on daily walks with your children. Be cautious of what you put in your body. Our bodies weren’t designed to eat bad foods. Remember, when you eat crappy foods you will feel crappy. Limit your sugar intake and for me that will take so much discipline. It’s not about looking amazing in your swim suit, it’s about feeling amazing and having energy and mental clarity. Take care of your body; your health and well being depends on it.
We can’t be a generation of sleepy Christians. It’s time to WAKE UP and grab on to everything that God has given us. We are capable of more than we have ever imagined. We don’t have the luxury of being sleepy Christians. Stop waiting for someone else to drop your breakthrough on your lap. That won’t happen. You will truly start living and living in abundance the moment you say “Yes” to God, the moment you stop letting your feelings dictate your life, the moment you realize the importance of truly seeking God’s heart.
WAKE UP—and get to work!
Nadia Tari